About Sure Connexions
Sure Connexions exists to connect everyday people to the Truth, the Life and the Way during the workweek.
Sure Connexions was founded in 2007, and aims to support business people with strong, enduring connections. Imagine a midday break that can change your outlook for the rest of the day.
Sure Connexions lunch events are designed to lift the weight of your daily routine by encouraging, inspiring, and empowering everyday people to face life’s challenges with fresh insight and divine perspective.
Our Leadership
Founder, Wayne Odom with wife Darlene
What originally began in the 1990s as an in-person gathering which met periodically in a small choir conference room, Sure Connexions has adapted & morphed over time to meet the growing needs. In recent years, our small meeting became a Live Event where men and women gather to meet one another and share biblically based insights. We have witnessed people begin to balance their work, family, and faith.
In 2007, Wayne planned to shift methods. He began holding lunch-hour meetings in public venues in multiple counties. The next step was to incorporate Sure Connexions as an official Georgia-based nonprofit corporation. Later the organization applied to become an IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit.
Sure Connexions remains a volunteer-led movement as we near 2023. Our leaders collaborate across multiple states and continue finding ways to broadcast personalized and impactful faith stories. These faith filled stories are shared by men and women who aim to follow Jesus’ assignment for His followers – to be fishers of men and to teach people to obey His word as they go! Our team members and board of directors seek to usher in ways to air Jesus’ name in our communities and town halls. We seek to innovate and boldly broadcast the message that Jesus is the Way to the Father. We also seek to engage everyday people to leverage the POWER of connecting for His kingdom’s sake – one person at a time!
Through prioritizing the habit of meeting together to pray and discuss walking with Jesus at work and home – we offer those in the world a refuge to escape the day-to-day routines.
Our two-fold purpose is reminding believers of our responsibility to seek the lost so we can introduce people to Jesus. Secondly we desire to introduce people to others who are willing to connect and become a resource to those in your sphere of influence.